Registrations are now open.
Registration Deadline:
Dec 13 at 23:59 UTC
The pSTAKE Sale Begins:
Dec 16 at 18:00 UTC
Teisingi atsakymai:
1. How many tokens are allocated to the pSTAKE sale?
2. What is the sale mechanism for the pSTAKE sale?
Users in the waiting room for the sale will be given a random spot in the queue when the sale starts. Users who arrive after the sale starts for the sale will be placed behind those in the waiting room
3. What is pSTAKE built on?
4. What is pSTAKE built for?
Liquid Staking
5. What currencies are accepted for payment in the sale?
6. What is the price per token and max purchase for the sale?
$0.40 per token, $500 limit
7. What will happen if someone submits a purchase but doesn’t complete it?
The user’s purchase may be cancelled and the user may be banned from future CoinList sales
8. Where will I be able to participate in the token sale?
9. What happens to a user who uses bots or abuses the Queue-It system?
The user’s account will be terminated and all purchases will be cancelled